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Clarity Independent School
"Refreshed learning that changes lives."
Parent / care-givers workshops.
We regularly conduct parent events where we meet to learn, develop skills and build relationships. These are usually planned around a theme. Previous events have included (formally known as) Essex Steps Behaviour workshops, The 2Johns E-Safety Training events, and more... Click here for details of our next events...
Parents are welcome to contact the school and speak to staff, meet with the Senior Leadership Team by making an appointment by contacting the school office.
At Clarity, we value the irreplaceable support and nurture that you provide the children as parents and care-givers. We recognise that we could not undertake this journey with the children successfully without you and your input, and seek to build and cement positive, supportive, reflective relationships with you as part of the Clarity community.
In addition to the above, we communicate with parents through a variety of channels:
Single emails or phone calls to update parents about individual, specific items relevant only to them
Group parent emails to update on information relevant across the school community, e.g. letters about trips or activities, vaccinations / health information, COVID related updates etc.
Each parent has the choice to have daily phone calls or emails from their keyworker to update them about their child's day between 3.30 and 4pm. Some parents choose to have this less frequently, for example twice weekly or weekly.
Letters are emailed home and a printed copy sent home with the child in their bag.
Text messages are used to inform parents of urgent information (e.g. previously in the case of last minute school closure due to COVID infections.)
E-safety newsletters - half termly
School website
Head Teacher's Newsletters - half termly
Parents also consulted in reviewing One Plans termly, and annual reviews annually
Parents also welcome to request meetings in person or over zoom / Teams to discuss specific issues in more detail.
Our safeguarding staff attend CIN and TAF meetings with families of pupils on a frequent basis to communicate regarding safeguarding issues.
Parent open afternoons in November and June.
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